One of the questions we often get asked is ‘What is a Dorper?’
Dorper is to lamb as Wagyu is to beef. The Dorper is a South African breed of domestic sheep, developed by crossing the Dorset Horn and Blackhead Persian. The breed thrives in tough, arid conditions, making it a perfect fit for Spear Creek Station. The Dorper is an easy-care breed and do not require shearing, crutching, or mulesing, making them much less prone to flystrike and therefore not requiring any chemicals during their growth. This provides a very stress-free life for our stock here at Spear Creek.
Our lambs are “Naturally Seasoned” in the unique environment on saltbush and native grasses. We have fresh Saltbush Dorper Lamb at our park office available for purchase, grown right here at Spear Creek, from our paddock to your plate.
We stock a full range of:
Loin Chops
Leg Steaks
Boneless Roasts
Marinated Ribs
And more!